Tuesday, March 05, 2013

Automatic Article Submitter for Marketers

In the fast-paced world of web-based businesses, it is article marketing which fuels a lot of reader interest and attention.   With the help of relevant posts and links, more traffic gets driven into a particular website.  If you’re keen on blogging and posting, then this highly-productive website could possibly be yours!

Once your website gets this much attention and when this traffic generates so much sales and profit, that’s when you can say you’re succeeding at internet marketing.

Right from the start, you would already see how important writings and submissions are.  For the most avid of online writers and marketers, article writing is easy and manageable once you have the material and interest in it.  However, it can be overwhelming when you need a bulk of write-ups to fatten up your website and those of others you’re linked to.

So as not to overstuff your websites with irrelevant material and unrelated content, you have to choose your article directories and listings wisely.  This is where most of the problem comes in.

The formula is supposed to be simple.  The more articles you write, the more directories you can submit them to.  As a result, the more marketing you get done and the higher the pay-offs you receive.

However, in the world of manual submission online, submitting articles does eat a lot of energy and time.  Just to submit one copy to 50 directories, that would consume several precious hours!  From the moment you log in to a directory to the time your copy gets submitted, that would be a painfully long process.

Because time waits for no internet marketer and web traffic is always on the move, you can’t afford any waste of time.  Some people choose to afford an automatic article submitter instead.

Without one, you are forced to short-list your number of directories to that which you can accommodate through your own effort.  This translates to a lower number of page distributions as well.

If ever you do decide to stick to your long list of directories, resign yourself to the fact that it is all you will be able to do in those number of hours.  You would be less productive in writing but you would at least be able to target a bigger number of directories.

As a final option, you could hire an article submitter to manually do these lengthy jobs for you.  But then again, you would be losing out on income just by contracting out these services.

Fortunately, you have another option in an automated submitter.  As a marketing solution, this software can usually support hundreds of directories which are listed online.  It also has that added feature of updating its listings once new directories are located online.

Talk about freeing up your schedule when you get this gear.  You may have to spend for it, but it’s a one-time payment which is well worth the minimal investment.  Once you see your articles active in all those directories and listings, then you’ll know that you’ve made the right decision after all.


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