Friday, March 29, 2013

Se puede ganar dinero fácilmente por Internet

  ganar dinero por Internet

Se puede ganar dinero fácilmente por Internet si se siguen algunos principios básicos, en primer lugar se necesita de un sitio web y en segundo lugar se necesitan un programa de afiliados.

Para sitio web existen opciones gratuitas y de pago, si usted es un principiante le recomiendo que empiece con las opciones gratuitas, lo mejor es hacerse de un sitio tipo blog, existen muchos blogs que puede adquirir gratuitamente pero los más estables y reconocidos son wordpress y blogger.

Hacer un blog WordPress es muy fácil pero es muy difícil de monetizar ya que WordPress no le permite agregar códigos externos ni enlaces de afiliados, por lo que es prácticamente imposible ganar dinero de esta manera. Lo más recomendable es empezar con blogger ya que automáticamente le permite agregar su propia publicidad con adsense, además si desea puede tener sus propios enlaces de afiliados sin ningún problema.

Blogger es muy sencillo e intuitivo, puede crear artículos fácilmente, agrega enlaces, fotografías y hasta videos. Le permite fácilmente llevar estadísticas de cada una de sus páginas lo que es excelente para saber cuáles de sus artículos son los que están funcionando mejor y enfocarse en estos para monetizarlos.

Una vez que ya ha creado su página web, al empezar a escribir algunos artículos y a encontrado la manera de monetizar el sitio, su último paso sería encontrar visitas para el sitio web y la mejor manera de hacer esto es hacer una campaña de enlaces desde otros sitios a su sitio web, por empezar escribiendo artículos para directores de artículos comentarios en otros blogs y dejar su enlace hacia su sitio web en cada comentario.

Lógicamente este pequeño artículo que les traigo son solamente algunas ideas, si realmente esté interesado en ganar dinero por Internet lo mejor es comprar un manual que hablé a profundidad de este tema, aquí abajo les dejo algunas opciones de algunos libros que he leído...

Gana Dinero con Adsense

Sunday, March 24, 2013

5 reglas para un buen resultados con Adsense.

 5 reglas para lograr resultados con GOOGLE Adsense 

Aquellos que han logrado el éxito gracias a Adsense, tienen algunas formulas para lograrlo, estas formulas esta probadas y funcionan si se aplican correctamente. A continuación le entrego las 5 reglas principales para lograr un buen resultado usando Adsense.

1. La primera regla fundamental es el formato del anuncio en Adsense. El formato que da el mejor resultado en la mayoría de las páginas es el rectángulo grande de 336X280. La razón para el uso de este formato por sobre los otros es simple, así los anuncios de Adsense se verán como enlaces normales dentro de su pagina, y esto provocara mas clics en su sitio.

2. Preocúpese de crear su propia paleta de colores. Con una selección cuidadosa de los colores, podrá aumentar enormemente la cantidad de clics que obtenga, es así como nosotros haremos los bordes y fondos de los anuncios Adsense del mismo color que nuestro propio fondo de pagina, la idea principal detrás de esto, es hacer parecer los anuncios lo mas posible a simples enlaces dentro de la pagina, con esto aumentaremos la cantidad de clics significativamente.

3. No esconda los anuncios Adsense. Esto es un error, en su lugar, trate siempre de destacarlos lo mas posible, póngalos donde sean vistos fácilmente, idealmente en la parte superior de la pagina, una alta exposición de ellos generara un alto nivel de clics que es lo que buscamos principalmente.

4. Mantenga los enlaces importantes. Si detecta algunos enlaces que son mejores que los otros, adminístrelos y manténgalos, luego coloque los suyos sobre estos, así serán vistos primero al ver la pagina.

5. Automatice la inserción de anuncios Adsense. Yo automatizo la inserción del código Adsense en la página usando SSI (Server Side Included). Averigüe con el administrador de su servidor si soporta SSI. El proceso es simple, ponga el código de Adsense en un archivo de texto, guárdelo como Adsense.txt, y súbalo a la raíz de su servidor, luego haga los llamados al código usando SSI. De esta manera ahorrara mucho tiempo, especialmente si usa generadores automáticos de páginas.

Siguiendo estas simples reglas, generara un alto tráfico y alto porcentaje de clics. Preocúpese de mantener un tema y de hacerlo interesante, manténgalo actualizado ya que con esto generara mas visitas y por lo tanto mas posibilidades de clics en sus anuncios Adsense. Con este sistema vera que logra generar altos ingresos de su sitio Web, inténtelo y vera los resultados.

Ganar dinero en internet y otros programas de afiliados

 Recien estoy habriendo este blog para hacer algunos comentarios referentes a los programas de afiliados que prometen que ganaras dinero en internet, ejemplo de estos programas son:

  • Ganar dinero leyendo emails
  • ganar por navegar
  • ganar llenando encuentas
  • etc.
No es mi intencion ponerme a promocionar estos programas, ya que a mi no me han funcionado nunca, me e pasado meses tratando de promover estos programas, sigiendo las indicaciones que se me dan y nunca e ganado un centavo.
Tampoco estoy diciendo que son un fraude o que estan estafando a la gente, simplemente a mi no me funcionan.
Todo aquel blogero que haya tenido alguna experiencia con estos sistemas (buena o mala), sientace libre de participar en este blog, (nada me encantaria mas).
Por el momento aqui le paro, en el proximo me expandire mas.

Saturday, March 23, 2013

Parque Nacional de Alamogordo Nuevo México

Este es el parque nacional de Alamogordo Nuevo México en Estados Unidos, no solamente es un lugar para visitar por curiosidad sino también para divertirse en las dunas de arena blanca. Como atracción principal tiene el festival de globos aerostáticos que se celebra cada año aproximadamente septiembre, en el video de abajo ustedes podrán ver primeros globos aerostáticos, los cuales empiezan inflar muy temprano por la mañana ya que es la hora del día en que el viento sopla con menos fuerza y es más fácil manejar estos grandes globos, posteriormente los niños, los adultos y toda la familia se pueden ir a divertir en las dunas de arena blanca.

Monday, March 18, 2013

Tratamiento del acne

La tendencia actual hacia el acné es tratando seriamente a una ante los primeros síntomas ya que de no ser así se puede volver una enfermedad crónica que pueden durar desde unos meses hasta varios años, resumiré brevemente las opciones de tratamiento que tenemos en la actualidad:

1.- Para el tratamiento tópico las cremas o líquidos a base de vitamina A su la primera opción para el acné leve, si el acné es resistente a esta mono terapia se pueden agregar otras cremas tópicas como el peróxido del benzoilo, antibióticos tópicos y el ácido azelaico.

Pero hay que tener claro que cuando se combinan varios medicamentos éstos deben ser prescritos por un médico o mejor aún con un dermatólogo ya que el orden y la cantidad de los medicamentos varía dependiendo de la persona y de la intensidad del acné.

Otro tipo de tratamiento tópico para el acné son los antibióticos tópicos de los cuales los más comunes son la Clindamicina, la eritromicina.

2.- Tratamiento oral del acné; si después de las medidas generales y de los tratamientos tópicos el acné persiste y no da señales de mejoramiento se empezará el tratamiento con antibióticos orales.

Los antibióticos que con más frecuencia se dan para el acné son las tetraciclina como la oxitetraciclina, minociclina y la doxicilina, los antibióticos deben ser manejados por un médico porque éstos deben ser administrados por períodos exactos de tiempo para evitar resistencias y los efectos adversos de los mismos.

El general debemos saber que el acné puede regresar a pesar de un tratamiento exitoso, no es culpa del médico ni de los tratamientos, debe ponerse en manos de un profesional de la salud en el que se confíe para evitar estar cambiando de médico constantemente lo cual podría ser contraproducente para una curación de definitiva

Sunday, March 17, 2013

Jovenes Jugadores de football de Steubenville High School Son culpables

En esta ocasión gustaría ofrecer mi punto de vista sobre lo que ha pasado en el estado de Ohio en Estados Unidos, en donde un grupo de jóvenes aprovechándose del estado de inconsciencia de una de sus amigas por el consumo excesivo de alcohol.

No es la primera vez que pasa esto entre los jóvenes, o aún entre personas mayores, y esto se debe a que cada vez más las mujeres quieren hacer las mismas actividades que hacen los hombres como fumar, tomar, y divertirse hasta altas horas de la noche. Sin embargo las mujeres se encuentran ante una gran desventaja ya que su cuerpo es más pequeño y por lo general beben con menor frecuencia que los hombres, y por lo tanto quedarán embriagadas mucho más rápidamente que sus amigos varones, quedando a su merced si ellos lo desean.

No hay que olvidar que el alcohol es un depresor del sistema nervioso central que en pequeñas cantidades puede producir disminución de los reflejos, dificultad para caminar, para hablar y somnolencia. Pero que en grandes cantidades puede producir un estado profundo de sueño en el cual la persona no puede ser despertada. Lo que muchos no saben es que en cantidades excesivas puede conducir paro respiratorio y muerte.

Estos jóvenes, y me refiero a los varones se aprovecharon del estado de inconsciencia de su amiga para tener relaciones sexuales, pero no sólo eso, se tomaron fotos, se tomaron videos y estos fueron redistribuidos a la mayoría de la población estudiantil de su escuela, hay que hacer notar que lo hicieron después de la fiesta cuando los efectos del alcohol ya habian pasado y cuyo propósito era enaltecerse ellos como hombres y humillar a la jovencita. Muy probablemente no hubiera pasado a mayores si ellos no ven hecho esto último pues la jovencita no se acordaba absolutamente nada, y no se acordaba de nada porque estaba profundamente dormida.

Las mujeres deberían protegerse cuando salen a divertirse en grupo con amigos varones, por ejemplo ellas deberían salir entre varias amigas y designar a una de ellas para que cuide de las demás, por supuesto la amiga designada no deberá tomar alcohol. De esta manera se evitaría esta tragedia doble, ya que por un lado tenemos a una jovencita que ha sido violada y humillada socialmente ya que seguramente las fotos y los videos que se le tomaron estarán en Internet de por vida, y por otro lado tenemos tenemos a los jóvenes varones que no solamente quedarán en la cárcel por una buena cantidad de tiempo sino que su récord criminal quedará grabado por el resto de su vida y siempre tendrán dificultades para encontrar un buen trabajo.

Nosotros como padres tenemos la responsabilidad de cuidar nuestras hijas y hijos aún cuando ellos están prácticamente en edad adulta, no se me hace razonable que los papás de la jovencita hayan dejado pasar toda una noche sin saber de ella...

Saturday, March 16, 2013

Dragon NaturallySpeaking 10 en espanol

Buenos días, por medio de la presente quiero hacer notar que este programa es muy bueno que lo recomiendo ampliamente para dictar textos, artículos y ahorrar muchísimo tiempo en escribir.

Comete muy pocos errores y sus errores son al principio solamente, poco poco el programa y el usuario se van entrenando para mejorar la velocidad y la precisión. Inclusive el problema automáticamente ponen los acentos en las palabras que corresponda esto es una ayuda excelente para aquellas personas que tenemos problemas para escribir con los acentos.

Por el momento eso es todo seguiré probando el programa y escucharán de mi es muy poco tiempo con las actualizaciones y mi avance con el programa.

Dragon NaturallySpeaking 10

Tuesday, March 05, 2013

Social Submitter Software

 Tengo un software que promete mucho, se trata de un Social Submitter, la función de este software es la de automatizar la creación de enlaces desde redes social a tu página web.

Había probado este método manualmente y me está dando muy buen resultado, el problema es que es muy cansado ya que para que los resultados sean óptimos cientos de enlaces desde diferentes redes sociales.

Con este software se reduce el trabajo de crear enlaces en 90%, ya que automatiza la creación de las cuentas y la creación de los posts…muy pronto tendré mas informes sobre este software, por lo pronto les recomiendo visitar la página oficial por si quieren comprarlo…solo cuesta $19.00 dólares así no hay nada que perder, SUERTE!

Automatic Article Submitter for Marketers

In the fast-paced world of web-based businesses, it is article marketing which fuels a lot of reader interest and attention.   With the help of relevant posts and links, more traffic gets driven into a particular website.  If you’re keen on blogging and posting, then this highly-productive website could possibly be yours!

Once your website gets this much attention and when this traffic generates so much sales and profit, that’s when you can say you’re succeeding at internet marketing.

Right from the start, you would already see how important writings and submissions are.  For the most avid of online writers and marketers, article writing is easy and manageable once you have the material and interest in it.  However, it can be overwhelming when you need a bulk of write-ups to fatten up your website and those of others you’re linked to.

So as not to overstuff your websites with irrelevant material and unrelated content, you have to choose your article directories and listings wisely.  This is where most of the problem comes in.

The formula is supposed to be simple.  The more articles you write, the more directories you can submit them to.  As a result, the more marketing you get done and the higher the pay-offs you receive.

However, in the world of manual submission online, submitting articles does eat a lot of energy and time.  Just to submit one copy to 50 directories, that would consume several precious hours!  From the moment you log in to a directory to the time your copy gets submitted, that would be a painfully long process.

Because time waits for no internet marketer and web traffic is always on the move, you can’t afford any waste of time.  Some people choose to afford an automatic article submitter instead.

Without one, you are forced to short-list your number of directories to that which you can accommodate through your own effort.  This translates to a lower number of page distributions as well.

If ever you do decide to stick to your long list of directories, resign yourself to the fact that it is all you will be able to do in those number of hours.  You would be less productive in writing but you would at least be able to target a bigger number of directories.

As a final option, you could hire an article submitter to manually do these lengthy jobs for you.  But then again, you would be losing out on income just by contracting out these services.

Fortunately, you have another option in an automated submitter.  As a marketing solution, this software can usually support hundreds of directories which are listed online.  It also has that added feature of updating its listings once new directories are located online.

Talk about freeing up your schedule when you get this gear.  You may have to spend for it, but it’s a one-time payment which is well worth the minimal investment.  Once you see your articles active in all those directories and listings, then you’ll know that you’ve made the right decision after all.


The Right Penny Stock Brokers

Penny Stock Brokers

Penny stocks are those which are traded at a higher frequency but in smaller amounts as summed up in dollars.  In general, to make the most of penny stock trading, you ought to get a discount broker.  These are brokers who accept minimal accounts and charge low commission on the tradings they handle for you.

Small and minimal as they are, penny stocks make good investments.  When they’re traded well, they can accumulate to big, steady amounts over time.

In order to make good with this kind of stocks in the market, you also have to get the right kind of brokers.  Not just any broker will do.

One option is to try full-service brokers.  If you’re to rely on a full-service professional, you should find one who is willing to help you trade in penny stocks.  However, most pros in the league prefer to handle larger amounts.  So if you hope to lure them into trading your penny stocks, you might as well be prepared to pay them well for their services.  This means giving them higher commissions for the jobs they do.  The only downside is that a seasoned expert’s commission rates could go as higher as 10% or more.

Another option is to go for discount brokers.  True to their job description, their services are designed for trading on lower amounts of stocks.  As to how affordable their commissions can be, think in terms of as minimal a charge as five dollars per trade executed.

It appears that the matter’s settled then.  You and your investments are in better hands with someone who handles low account minimums and executes trading at low, low commissions.

Still, not every discount broker will do.  You have to choose one with whom you can build a harmonious working relationship.  That’s because you will be communicating with each other every now and then.  Likewise, you have to find someone who is dependable and trustworthy.  After all, this person will do the buying and selling for you.  Quick to pick up a signal, a trader who’s constantly up-to-date on market prices will know just when it’s best to trade.  You won’t miss a good opportunity to earn.

And since you’ll be making decisions on how to buy and sell your investment, it pays to be certain that you’re getting sound advice from a financial expert.  When it’s so, trading won’t be stressful fro you since you’re guaranteed to make good returns.

Trading can be fun and exciting, even when you starting out on your first penny stocks.  Eventually, with proper handing and management, you know these investments will grow and become profitable.

When the time comes that you have several penny stock accounts, know what to do.  Instead of letting two or more different stockbrokers handle you accounts, stick to just one broker you already know and trust.  If this person’s track record on trading is excellent, they you won’t have to worry however the market trend goes.  Your broker will surely be on top of each situation.

Tennis Elbow Pain Relief Remedies

Tennis Elbow Pain Relief Remedies

In general, any pain along the outer side of your elbow can be classified as tennis elbow.  It is often associated with muscle strain as a leading cause.

The term can be misleading, however, because there are three distinct kinds of pain along three different areas of your arm and elbow.  For example, if the discomfort specifically runs along the inner side of your elbow, then this is referred to as golfer’s elbow.  When the feeling emanates from back and under, that’s an ailment known as bursitis for you! And like we said, when its on the exterior, that’s most likely to be some tennis elbow pain.

Trivial and unusual as this pain may sound, it can also be debilitating.  In severe cases, you would find difficulty in grasping an object as heavy as a hammer or even one as light as a cup and saucer.

Actually, it isn’t the bone of your elbow which aches but the muscles and nerves surrounding it.  Even the ligaments and tendons which attach it could be strained.  After all, this condition is the result of a motion injury.

To describe this uncomfortable sensation, it radiates from the arm down to the wrist.  The discomfort can last from as short as six weeks to as long as 3 months.  During this time, you would find it painful to bend your arm as well as difficult to straighten and stretch it.

While you’re recovering, it would be unadvisable to perform any strenuous work or to do any lifting of weights.  For any sports buff, you would have to refrain from using the racket or playing tennis for as long as it’s recommended.  Thus, you should see your doctor once you encounter this kind of pain.  Since pain and inflammation seems to be the problem, pain relievers and anti-inflammatory drugs would be the medications prescribed for you.

Aside from using medications, the condition can be relieved by some practical home remedies.  An ice pack would be a good suggestion.  Just fill a zip-lock bag with some ice and apply to the site for around 10-15 minutes.

If the pain is severe and recurrent, you can do this application 3-4 times a day.  Do keep in mind to leave an hour’s interval between applications.  For any bit of soreness or tenderness, you can also use a frozen pack of vegetables such as peas.  The important thing is to control the inflammation and allow it to subside.

Once your arm feels better, you can exercise it with some short and quick stretches.  Palms up, see first how fully you can extend your forearm without any discomfort.  Repeat the movements but don’t overstrain or overdo.

Take it easy and explore your range of motion gradually if you’ve just come from an injury.  You could undo the healing and cause more damage to those inflamed muscles, ligaments, and tendons.  Complete healing from muscle wear and tear takes time, so you must allow your body to recover at its pace.

RESOURCE BOX: Writing  for the health and fitness niche, Santiago Padilla makes it a point to write  informative articles on ailments and treatments.  For more information, on tennis elbow pain  relief, please check out

Laptop Repair Videos for Do-It-Yourself Jobs

Laptop Repair Videos

Free videos are one of the featured contents which you love most about the internet.  Just surfing online, you would come across some of the latest sounds and images which have been posted simultaneously all around the world.

For one, a video can be very entertaining.  It can be about the latest songs, the hottest movie trailers, or the funniest experiences someone had today.  It can feature anything from people, to places, to pets.

Also, a video can be very informative.  Without going through an entire book, you can learn so much about topics such as dances and exercises just by watching a demo.  You can also be taught a wide array of how-to’s on practically anything you put your mind to.  Easy to understand, the instructions are simple and they are explained to you step by step.

Step-by-step instructions are at the core of what you would call instructional videos.  These include anything from home renovations to laptop repairs.  They are ideal for people who love do-it-yourself jobs.  By the end of a mini course, you can do a job from start to finish.  When you do it on your own instead of hiring someone else, you cut costs and save more money.

Laptop repair videos are a perfect example of these do-it-yourself jobs.  If you have your laptop repaired at a service center, you would undoubtedly spend so much more!  Aside from replacement of parts, you would have to pay for labor and consultation.  There would also be incidental expenses on fuel and food when you go out to transport your gear and when you return to pick up your stuff.  Thus, it’s totally a waste of time, effort, and energy, not to mention the added expense.

Thankfully, there are online laptop repair videos to give you free assistance.  Without any charge, they would share information with you on a wide array of computer-related jobs.  These include anything from assembling, to disassembling, to actual installation.  They would also deal with the basics of cleaning and simple troubleshooting.

The wonderful thing about websites which provide all this information is that they’re so generous with tips and techniques.  They even include warnings so you won’t lose spare parts or damage your computer.

What’s more, these samples are featured in clear, high-definition sound and imagery.  You’re only a click away from starting and playing it.  Once you’re unsure about an instruction, you can always pause and rewind or replay it.  In most cases, there’s typed text right below the video just to make sure you’re following along.

Just consider.  Where in the world would you find someone conversing with you about the replacement of a motherboard? Who would be that friendly when you’re concerned on how to connect your laptop to a larger LCD screen?  Who wouldn’t scold you if you happened to spill liquid on your keyboard and now need to clean it?  For such a people-friendly and reliable guide, laptop repair videos are not bad at all.  In fact, they’re priceless as long as you know whose advice to take and which website to rely on.

<p>Santiago Padilla  is an avid writer who takes pleasure in sharing online tips and resources  about the latest in technology. Learn  more from laptop repair videos as showcased in <a href="">Laptop Repair Videos Online</a></p>

Sunday, March 03, 2013

Video Submitter makes All the Difference to Your Website

Video Submitter

If you want to improve the appearance of your website, then a video can make a lot of difference. A video can show off your products, your hobby, in fact anything that you really want to display on your website. However, getting your video into website indexes is much more difficult to achieve. Submitting your video to hundreds of video dictionaries is one way to manage it, but you will need to give up a lot of time to pursue this goal. Rather than trying to do it all by hand, it is much better to use an automatic video submitter such as VideoBot.

VideoBot is designed to submit your videos into media indexes without you having to spend too much time programming and overseeing it, rather than rely upon freelancers, or having to check anything which has been submitted by hand in order to avoid errors. The video submitter program will allow you to send your video to more than a hundred video publishing sites, and can create a new account for most sites, so you don't have to worry about making a profile for each site you submit to. You can also manage your emails using the video submitter.

For just $29.95, you can get VideoBot to support your multiple submissions, and the video titles and descriptions encoded into the media. You can also get automatic service updates, which will allow you to receive improvements for free, for life. This means as internet directories rise and fall, your video submitter will keep contact with all of them. VideoBot runs on a Windows supported program, which is suitable for use with all modern types of Windows systems, including XP, Vista and Windows 7, so you can use this software with the type of Windows currently on your computer.

Submit Data to Web Directories with Website Directory Submitter

 Website Directory Submitter

When it comes to operating a website, submitting data to web directories is a necessary chore. While there are plenty of things to be done with the site, a lot of people, myself included, have to sit at the desk sending the website details to these directories. Although these directories send vital traffic my way, getting the work submitted is just so time consuming, and most webmasters don't have the time or patience to get the work on enough directories to make it worth our while.

I had considered automatic website directory submitter software, but most of it was out of my price range. $100 is too much for something which is supposed to be completely automated, I thought, and I also noticed reviews stating that some of the directories used were now out of date. I didn't want to spend money submitting my website if it wasn't going to bring in traffic, so I was put off the idea.

What I wanted was a cheap, accurate and effective website directory submitter than wouldn't fall out of date as soon as I started to use it. This is where DirectoryBot is the ideal automatic website directory submitter for me. It only costs $29.95 for purchase, and updates to the directory programs are free of charge. It keeps up to date with the latest progress on the internet, so my website is constantly being submitted to new directories.

As the website directory submitter works with CAPTCHA programs, I can get my websites automatically submitted to directories using this program, and I can also arrange for it to submit to other website directories, simply by pressing the SUBMIT button. I don't have to spend hours typing in my details on the submission forms, and I don't have to program in lots of information into the software, leaving me more time to work on making my websites the best out there.

Website Index Submitter gets Traffic to Your Website

Website Index Submitter
One of the most important things a website owner can do is submit their domain name to search engines. Having your website on a big search engine, such as Google or Yahoo, is the best way to get traffic to your site that is traffic which is not just friends and family. Getting people to visit your websites like this is vital, but it can be very difficult to ensure that your website is taken up by search engine crawler programs, and raised up the ranks. The best answer to this problem is the IndexBot website index submitter.

The IndexBot will support unlimited domain names, and is the best type of website index submitter for multiple company profiles and submission. It can use descriptions and keywords which have been 'spun' from other websites, which can sometimes be ignored by other index submitter programs. It is compatible with the latest Window's systems, including XP, Vista and Windows 7. The chief benefit of the IndexBot is that it will automatically submit to a number of search engines and website valuation pages, allowing you to get better coverage for your website. Simply use IndexBot alongside your traditional SEO methods, and you should be able to promote your website way up the ranks.

As well as all these advantages, the IndexBot is surprisingly cheap for a website index submitter. While you might expect to pay around $100 for a traditional submitter, the IndexBot is only $29.95, and you can still get regular updates on your program, so it will always be submitting to the top websites. Along with these services, you will also get regular contact with our customer support, which are vital in helping to keep your program running no matter what the problem. Technical support is easily accessible during the working week.

Bookmark Your Website Pages with Social Submitter

Bookmark Your Website Pages with Social Submitter

Automatic Social Submitter allows you to automatically bookmark all pages of your website at a very quick and efficient pace. This implies that this software is very diligently and painstakingly designed to entirely eliminate the unnecessary need of an inefficient time consuming one page at a time rather futile effort.

Are you among those who are unfortunate enough to use social bookmarking as a part of their strategies for traffic building? If so, would you not agree that it would simply be a great idea to find a more convenient way of automating this tedious process? The answer to the second question is that there is such a way indeed.

I am privileged to show you just how you will quickly be able to most conveniently bookmark all individual pages of your website, without the addition aggravation of having to do each of its pages by one page at a time method. You can achieve this sensational marvel by employing the superior design of SocialBot V4.3 from Incansoft. This specially designed social bookmarking software tool, called Social Submitter, has taken the entire internet world by a massive storm.

Special features of SocialBot V4.3 are constituted by the following:

* supports 54 highly rated Social Bookmarking Services
* contains more than 1,000 built-in Pligg and Scuttle Sites
* automatically spiders all your websites
* automatically creates an account for the Pligg and Scuttle Sites
* semi-Automatically creates an account for many popular services
* fully supports the Basic Jet Spinner Syntax
* supports Random Title (Anchor Text) and Description Rotation
* possesses the ability of adding/removing any number of Pligg Sites
* possesses the ability of adding/removing any number of Scuttle Sites
* fully supports multiple account and company profiles
* possesses the ability to import/export account profiles to/from CSV

Social Submitter further possesses a comprehensive Submission Reporting System.

RSS Submitter submits Your Feeds to Major Online Aggregators

RSS Submitter 

Automatic RSS Submitter, or the RSSBot V2.0, has been intrinsically designed to submit all your RSS feeds to the some of the major online aggregators, based on an auto-pilot system.

Now you too can submit your desired RSS feeds onto some of the best quality web directories available, with the help of the Automatic RSS Submitter. RSSBot V2.0 is a highly effective submission tool. With its relative ease of use design, RRS Submitter ensures that all your feeds are efficiently indexed, pinged and crawled, very rapidly. Now, you can easily install your RSS Submitter at the most affordable one-time price of $29.95, and watch from a distance as your traffic begins rapidly grow.

While using RSS Submitter software tool, you save time, money and gain enormous exposure on the web. RSS Submitter greatly simplifies the tedious process of placing respective RSS feeds that you desire to submit onto all vital RSS directories. This intelligently designed software gives you the opportunity to discover for yourself the potent power of getting your valued content indexed instantly by spiders. It is then accordingly published on top quality websites and high ranking directories. The experience is simply exhilarating.

When you submit RSS feeds to various online feed aggregators, through RSS Submitter, you will directly receive the benefit of its one-way back-links, instant indexing in web search engines, as well as an ongoing stream of natural traffic. While it may be otherwise also doable, it is most time consuming. You will end up running from pillar to post in order to submit RSS feeds to even just one single online Feed Aggregator.
What truly differentiates Automatic RSS Submitter, from its other automated competitors, are its constant service updates as well as its relative convenience of use. Currently, Automatic RSS Submitter supports a healthy number of thirty online feed Aggregators, and is consistently striving to add more to its number.

Press Submitter is An Innovative Business Tool

Press Submitter

Press Submitter, also known as PressBot, allows you to efficiently distribute press releases to a large number of ranking free online services, with the activation of a single click. The best part however is Press Submitter’s unbelievable price of $29.95. This is a one time payment for life membership as well as free updates.

Promoters of PressBot V2.0, which is the most effective software with a practical applicability, proudly advertise a formula that explains it all, as follows:
Free Advertising + Viral Marketing + One-Way Back Links + Higher SERPS + Instant Credibility = A Traffic Tsunami.

In our experience, should you be intent on doing the marketing of your business website on the internet, it would be advisable for you to do it by crafting a well written press release, or vital information related to your business, and submit it various sites with this Press Submitter. After you have performed this minor task, simply sit back in your chair and relax, while PressBot will automatically proceed to submit your assigned press release onto all meticulously searched web directories.

Among one of the most attractive features offered by Press Submitter is its ability to recognize captcha codes instantly. If you have registered yourself on any business or news directories, you will have noticed that before log-in, you are required to enter a captcha code, as an essential security measure, before you can log-in to submit your press release.

Other significant benefits offered by Press Submitter are: 

* submission to their list of Online Press Release Distribution Services
* free distribution service updates
* 5 Press Release Templates
* unlimited account profiles
* unlimited company profiles
* smart error logging
* site title and description rotation
* manual and automatic captcha solving
* constant service updates
* threading for significantly increased Submission speed
Press Submitter also offers users a comprehensive submission reporting system and an account profiles editing facility, with a deletion of unwanted services option.

One Way Backlinks with Forum Submitter

One Way Backlinks with Forum Submitter

Promoters of the Forum Submitter claim that “Creating One Way Backlinks with Forum Profiles couldn't get any easier or faster than with ForumBot”. As a user, it is a privilege to endorse this claim. You will also find that this Form Submitter software will not only excellently meet, but by far exceed your expectations.
As its name signifies, this semi-automatic Forum Submitter from Incansoft is a software tool designed by the promoters for the purpose of obtaining backlinks, through targeted keywords, from various discussion forums. What Forum Submitter will not do is create unwelcome topics in forums, as a result of which users are more likely to get banned from such forums.

Therefore, the software has been programmed to purposely locate public forums that are especially related to the specific keywords of the user. Forum Submitter then creates a distinct user profile in order to post a relevant signature with the user’s link to that particular profile. Forum profiles happen to be among the most modern backlinking strategy on the market.

In order to offer the highly efficient facility of this excellently designed software to the largest number of users, forum Submitter is available at a very convenient price of $29.95 only. This one time payment also includes a lifetime supply of free regular updates.

Highly applicable features of Forum Submitter include:

* easy addition of unlimited forum profiles
* submission of multiple profiles
* creation of semi-automatic forum accounts
* creation of multiple company profiles
* keywords and Descriptions can be spun by using Jet Spinner Syntax
* automatically submit profile signature changes to forums joined by its users
* automatic constant service updates
* comprehensive Reporting Tools
Forum Submitter offers you technical support from Mondays through Fridays, during working: starting from 8 am to 5 pm, GMT +2. This excludes public and national holidays, which happen to fall on working days during the week.

The Perfectly designed Classified Submitter

The Perfectly designed Classified Submitter
Classified Submitter is designed for the creation and submission of your classified ads by means of the use of a practical and convenient semi-automatic built-in system.
If you happen to be among people who normally place ads on free online classified sites, you will quite familiar with the burdensome procedure of posting ads manually on these sites. The actual time it takes, to post just handful ads, is astonishing.

While Classified Submitter, or AdBot, which has been developed by Incansoft, greatly helps to considerably simplify this tedious process. It allows its user to create a desired ad, and then simply submit it semi-automatically onto various classified websites. Classified Submitter can said to execute almost 90% of your desired objectives. All that will remain for you to do is just choose the desired categories, onto which you wish to post the ad, when asked by AdBot. The whole process is just as simple as that.

The process of installing Automatic Classified Submitter on the Windows Desktop of your computer is relatively simple. Thereafter, after its installation, you will be the proud owner of a powerful tool that enables you to easily submit any number of ads you desire, as frequently as you desire, for the entire period of the time that you own this premier program. Above all, the best part is its price of $29.95 only. This is a one time payment, without any monthly fees or payment for lifetime upgrades. These are absolutely free and always without any obligations whatsoever.

Major features of Classified Submitter comprise of the facility of easily adding any number of classified ads, submission to multiple classified ads websites semi-automatically, as well as automatic service updates free of cast, for life.

Further, Classified Submitter fully supports:
* submission of multiple profiles
* submission of multiple company profiles
* keywords and descriptions spun using Jet Spinner Syntax
* product images
It also includes a number of comprehensive reporting tools.

Blog Submitter has a Tremendous Potential

Blog Submitter has a Tremendous Potential
If you have the experience of online marketing, for say a period of even one month, you are most probably likely to have heard about the tremendous potential that blogs have in promoting your website and business. Many of them are popularly known to be the ultimate tools for generating enormous money-paying traffic, almost at no cost.
Blogs permit you to conveniently cash-in by easily capturing highly rated search positions that are free; helps you get in various search engines within hours or just a few days, compared to waiting for months; as well as attract search spiders that can quickly get even non-blog pages produced by you into various search engines. Nevertheless, even if you are an excellent writer, it may take you hours to write a good blog post. Bringing out high class ideas which readers will find interesting is never effortless.
Fortunately, Automatic Blog Submitter, also known as BlogBot V1.1, has developed an excellent solution that offers you the best part of both these worlds. Thus, when you install, you end up as the ultimate boss, starting with automatic creation of accounts on the WordPress Blog Network, right up to final submission of your desired blog posts to the created accounts. What’s more, this is done entirely on your own terms with click of a few buttons.
What is the cost? Well Automatic Blog Submitter will cost you just a one time payment of $29.95, with free updates for the rest of your life. Can anyone beat that?
Some of the fabulous BlogBot V1.1 features are:
* automatic creation of blogs on various WordPress Blog Networks
* automatic submission to Multiple WordPress Blog Networks
* automatic creation of new accounts
* automatic service updates
Further, it also supports submission of multiple profiles, multiple company profiles, content spun articles using of jet spinner syntax, blog titles and Blog Post rotation, various blog categories, unlimited proxy servers, submission of captcha and complete email management, including their confirmation.

Automatic Article Submitter is an Optimum Solution for You

Automatic Article Submitter is an Optimum Solution for You Automatic Article Submitter or ArticleBot by Incansoft is a remarkable tool for professional writers. Though the actual current cost of this invaluable superior automatic article submitter software is $97, it is available at an introductory price of $29.95 only, till further notice. This imposing Windows desktop program software is perfectly designed to submit articles and can even send out emails confirming that desired accounts have been established with various respective directories. There are over 350 high quality directories to which your articles are submitted by this great software. While other competing automatic article submitter software may not touch the big directories. Some of the excellently presented features of this superb Automatic Article Submitter V1.0 that its users can instantly enjoy include easy addition of an unlimited dashboard, in addition to a number of great MS sites for articles. It is fully compatible and supports submission of multiple profiles, directory site groupings by niche ratings, article title as well as rotation of the resource box, a range of article categories, selected keywords, and submission of captcha. Automatic Article Submitter has the capacity to automatically submit articles to more than 350 top ranking web directories on the net with the click of one button, automatically create a number of required new accounts, as well as provide latest service updates. Submission of articles to various ranking directories, by Automatic Article Submitter, will be followed by the actual messages forwarded to you by respective directories, after their approval of your submitted article. With some of the other software available, you usually end up in the dark and can only anticipate. Though, Automatic Article Submitter can be considered as a perfect concept, you must be very cautious to carefully inspect as well as edit the content of your articles prior to their submission into the web. While careful inspection and proper editing of each article may slow down your writing process, it will still be worth the effort in the long run.